International Links at Abbeymead


In recent years we have formed partnerships with schools in countries such as Hungary, Italy and Holland. To ensure that all of our children gain a deeper understanding of other cultures, become aware of the links between countries and the similarities and differences between us all, every year group experiences an International Studies based topic at some point throughout the year.

We are developing our curriculum by introducing Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education (SMSC) into our teaching and we will continue to develop the manner in which this threads through the whole curriculum. We are also working towards including global aspects such as diversity, equality, interdependence, global citizenship, sustainable development and challenging perceptions of others into learning activities.

In 2011 we were luckily invited to join a group of schools in Gloucestershire who were forming partnerships with schools in Nagpur, India. We paired with V.T Convent and Junior School, Atrey Layout in Nagpur. To initiate our link at a personal level, Mr Pass visited the school and surrounding area last year. This was the start of mutual project work, based within numeracy. Children at Abbeymead and V.T have completed several projects and shared their work. Some year groups have also Skyped to retain the 'real life' nature of our partnership. We have plans to continue our link and to ensure that it remains mutually beneficial to all of our children.

Why not have a look at their website?



A Powerpoint created by a group of Year 3 children at Abbeymead

Work created by children at V.T. Convent

Here are some photos from Miss Pitman's trip to Nagpur in September 2012!!

Traditional Rangoli patterns.

An ICT suite in one of the Meghe schools.

A tree planting arranged for us at V.T.

A peace walk, brought forward so that we could share it with the children.

Can you spot 'Ghandi' leading the parade?

They have house teams, with the same colours as us. Miss Pitman is showing her support for the green team - Merlins at Abbeymead and Emeralds at V.T. !!

A science lesson in one of the labs.

Transport to school differs between our children. Look at all of the bikes!!

Even from the earliest ages, children are smartly dressed and understand the routines of school life.

An assembly at V.T. Convent and Junior School.

A popular sport at one of the Meghe schools!

The view from International School of Scholars, Nagpur.

A familiar sight as we travelled around the countryside.

An example of looking for patterns in numbers at V.T.