Behaviour at Abbeymead

At Abbeymead Primary School, we pride ourselves on the fact that our children are well behaved in class, in and around school or when on visits away from school. We believe that it is very important that every pupil should experience success and that verbal and non-verbal rewards are used fairly and regularly. In order to do this we have identified three rules that are unique to our school.

These are:-

  • Be purple i.e. become a ‘purple learner – the highest rung on the behavioural ladder.
  • Be respectful i.e. use kind words and actions.
  • Be Safe

‘Be Purple’ refers to positive learning behaviour and is derived from the school’s Purple learner approach. This means that we expect children to:

- Consistently put a high level of effort into lessons and learning activities
- Focus during lessons and allow others to do so
- Be resilient when facing learning challenges and put themselves in the ‘challenge zone’ as oen as possible
- Recognise that evaluang and improving their outcomes are key parts of the learning process
- Support others in reaching their learning goals

‘Be respectful’ refers to developing positive relationships with all members of the school community. This means that we expect children to:
  - Be kind and considerate to one another at all mes
- Show respect and be polite to all adults in the school community
- Respond posively to new learning experiences
- Move calmly and safely around the school, including within lessons and in the school hall and corridors
- Work hard to understand their own emoonal needs and those of others.

‘Be Safe’ refers to developing an understanding of how to be safe at home, at school and out in the community. We explore the concept of safety through our ABC curriculum, which is resourced though the PSHE scheme. Our skills progression document ensures a progressional approach across the school.



Playtime Behaviour



We take bullying very seriously and all stakeholders within our school will not tolerate any form of bullying within our school. Throughout the year we recognise anti bullying week, hold assemblies on bullying and it is included within our PSHCE curriculum. Please take some time to look at our Anti Bullying Pollicy and Behaviour Policy. Also, below there are some useful web links for parents to access.

On the most recent parent survey the results showed that many of you are not aware how we tackle bullying behaviour. For this reason we feel that it is important to give you more information about what we do as we take anti bullying very seriously at Abbeymead. 

We tackle it by involving the children in the following activities:

  • Work with the children to write class rules.
  • Green card system - this is a way a children can communicate with their teacher in a safe and private manner. 
  • Anti-bullying ambassadors, Green Caps
  • Reward co-operation and caring behaviour by group or individuals through our behaviour system.
  • Promote strategies for preventing bullying through the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)
  • programme DfES.
  • Regularly reviewing the anti-bullying policy document.
  • Reading stories about bullying / having them read to a class / assembly.
  • Anti-bullying week whole school awareness campaigns. 
  • Class discussions about bullying and why it matters. 
  • Keeping a record of any bullying incidents.
  • Working closely with children and parents on individual cases. 

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is an online behaviour management system intended to foster positive pupil behaviours and classroom culture. Pupils earn 'Dojo Points' based on their learning behaviour, effort in work, and when they demonstrate our school values . Teachers use Class Dojo as a way to communicate with parents, keeping them up to date on pupil progress and classroom happenings. Class Dojo is completely free for users.

Please click the link below for a full Parent's Guide:



Purple Learners

We work very hard to embed a creative curriculum that stimulates your children, that makes them question the world around them and develops them into confident and independent ‘life-long’ learners. We talk about ‘life-long’ learners, because primary school truly places the stepping stones for the rest of their futures.

As part of this, we challenge our children to always push themselves and to always ‘be the best’ they can be in everything that they set out to do. You may hear your children talk about being ‘purple learners’ or pushing themselves to be in the ‘challenge zone.’  Our pupils understand that being a purple learner demonstrates outstanding behaviour for learning. 



Useful Links