What does it mean to leave a legacy? It means putting a stamp on the future, and making a contribution to future generations.
Here at Abbeymead Primary School, we work hard to provide our children with unique opportunities that are on top of the normal curriculum offer. These opportunities often inspire our pupils to make a difference in the wider world.
Tree Planting - Enovert’s Hempsted Landfill Site
A group of our children took part int tree planting at Enovert’s Hempsted Landfill Site, with Richard Graham MP, the Leader of Gloucester City Council. The children managed to plant 60 trees!
The planting is the first phase of plans to provide a woodland scheme at Hempsted and reflects Enovert’s commitment to restoring the 350-acre site. Enovert’s sustainable restoration schemes add significant environmental, ecological and community benefit making best use of the land resource once land-filling has been completed.
Aspiration's Programme
Here at Abbeymead, our children learn what is means to be a 'geographer', a 'mathematician' etc in daily lessons but on a bi-annual basis we run an Aspiration's week. The children are invited to take part in a whole range of workshops across the week.
This year, our younger children focused on people that help us and they had wonderful visits from healthcare professionals, the Police force and the Fire brigade. Our older children had the opportunity to listen to talks from photographers, nuclear/radio engineers, lawyers, a highways manager, a professional hacker, a GB skating coach, an engineer, artist, Barclays Bank, a science teacher and a radiographer.
Ambassador Programme
Each year, we look at the global sporting events taking place and identify Ambassadors to learn about the event, share with the wider community and raise the profile of PE across the school. Next year, we are looking forward to recruiting Football World Cup Ambassadors for the men's and women's events taking place across 2022/23.
Commonwealth Games Ambassadors 2021-2022
A group of our Year 5 children took on the role of 'Commonwealth Games Ambassadors'. Their role was to learn about The Commonwealth and the Commonwealth Games and to then share their knowledge with the rest of the school. They went on to organise a whole school Commonwealth Games in line with the actual event. Their hard work was recognised by the Rotary Club and as a result they were invited to join them for lunch and present their ideas to the club. The Rotary Club were so impressed they went on to win tickets to the actual Commonwealth Games.
A selection of children who attended the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.
Gloucestershire Young Photographer of the Year Award
Each year, we encourage as many children as possible to enter the Gloucestershire Young Photographer of the Year Award. We have won the 'Best Primary School' Award for the last two years and many of our children have received awards, including the top prize.
Ready for Life Awards
Our co-curriculum, The’ Ready for Life’ Award Scheme goes beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum in providing experiences outside of the classroom that further support our pupils in becoming responsible, balanced and well-informed members of society. We are grateful to our parent community for their cooperation in implementing the scheme. so. For more information on the awards, please click here.