Community Links


At Abbeymead we believe that community links are essential in the growth, development and well being of all our pupils. Links with our local community help us to build relationships with groups and individuals who will provide positive role models for our children whether this is within the world of work, or as part of spiritual and moral development or everyday experiences. In addition to local communities we also value the importance of developing strong links between regional, national and international communities, through visits, assemblies, concerts and special events. 

Some of our most recent community links include:

  • Life's a beach local charity - assembly, Y2 workshops and Eco Ambassador litter picking.
  • Gloucester four gates history/ art project 
  • Forest Green Rovers assembly on sustainability
  • Gloucester Feed the Hungry assembly and food bank collection
  • Gloucester Rotary Club 
  • Seven Trent Water
  • Wycliffe College - STEM workshops
  • GE Aviation - Y6 STEM day
  • Visitors from a range of religious faiths 

Family Welfare Officer

Our Family Welfare Officer regularly arranges courses for parents, either running them herself or linking with local organisations including Community Family Care, The Redwelll Centre, Acorn House, and Info Buzz.

We also use the Adult Education Local Authority Service to provide parents with courses such as First Aid, supporting the development of reading skills, Calm Kids and basic Maths skills.

Previous courses include well-being sessions, parenting workshops, nurture workshop for families, and Christmas crafts.

Our Family Welfare Officer also works very closely with local charities to support some of our parents including food and clothes hampers, school uniform and even providing families with washing machines.


Community Links Gallery


Art exhibition - Abbeydale Community Centre 

Charity Work

 Harvest Festival

In the Autumn Term, we celebrated Harvest with a traditional Harvest Festival. We came together as a whole school to share stories of what harvest is and what it means to so many people. Our theme this year was 'harvest through the years' where we went right back to the Saxon times! We also got to watch some awesome videos of real-life farmers doing their everyday jobs to see what it's really like for them. The children were fascinated and keen to learn more!

Thank you to our lovely families of Abbeymead who donated gifts of food items which we then donated to our local foodbank. Look at our harvest donations!



The Great North Run - Miss Workman and Mrs Clarke have completed the Great North run and raised an incredible amount of money for The Bone Cancer Research Trust.  Well done, we are very proud!


National Star College - Can Do Campaign


On the 14th January the school had a dress down day to support The National Star College 'Can Do' campaign. Our aim was to raise as much money as possible to help children at the college achieve the impossible, whilst also inspiring our own children to dream big and believe in themselves, even at the most challenging times. Amazingly, we raised £430. 

To find out how you can support the campaign you can find further details here

Community Links


At Abbeymead we believe that community links are essential in the growth, development and well being of all our pupils. Links with our local community help us to build relationships with groups and individuals who will provide positive role models for our children whether this is within the world of work, or as part of spiritual and moral development or everyday experiences. In addition to local communities we also value the importance of developing strong links between regional, national and international communities, through visits, assemblies, concerts and special events. 

Some of our most recent community links include:

  • Life's a beach local charity - assembly, Y2 workshops and Eco Ambassador litter picking.
  • Gloucester four gates history/ art project 
  • Forest Green Rovers assembly on sustainability
  • Gloucester Feed the Hungry assembly and food bank collection
  • Gloucester Rotary Club 
  • Seven Trent Water
  • Wycliffe College - STEM workshops
  • GE Aviation - Y6 STEM day
  • Visitors from a range of religious faiths 

Family Welfare Officer

Our Family Welfare Officer regularly arranges courses for parents, either running them herself or linking with local organisations including Community Family Care, The Redwelll Centre, Acorn House, and Info Buzz.

We also use the Adult Education Local Authority Service to provide parents with courses such as First Aid, supporting the development of reading skills, Calm Kids and basic Maths skills.

Previous courses include well-being sessions, parenting workshops, nurture workshop for families, and Christmas crafts.

Our Family Welfare Officer also works very closely with local charities to support some of our parents including food and clothes hampers, school uniform and even providing families with washing machines.


Community Links Gallery


Art exhibition - Abbeydale Community Centre 

Charity Work

 Harvest Festival

In the Autumn Term, we celebrated Harvest with a traditional Harvest Festival. We came together as a whole school to share stories of what harvest is and what it means to so many people. Our theme this year was 'harvest through the years' where we went right back to the Saxon times! We also got to watch some awesome videos of real-life farmers doing their everyday jobs to see what it's really like for them. The children were fascinated and keen to learn more!

Thank you to our lovely families of Abbeymead who donated gifts of food items which we then donated to our local foodbank. Look at our harvest donations!



The Great North Run - Miss Workman and Mrs Clarke have completed the Great North run and raised an incredible amount of money for The Bone Cancer Research Trust.  Well done, we are very proud!


National Star College - Can Do Campaign


On the 14th January the school had a dress down day to support The National Star College 'Can Do' campaign. Our aim was to raise as much money as possible to help children at the college achieve the impossible, whilst also inspiring our own children to dream big and believe in themselves, even at the most challenging times. Amazingly, we raised £430. 

To find out how you can support the campaign you can find further details here

Community Links


At Abbeymead we believe that community links are essential in the growth, development and well being of all our pupils. Links with our local community help us to build relationships with groups and individuals who will provide positive role models for our children whether this is within the world of work, or as part of spiritual and moral development or everyday experiences. In addition to local communities we also value the importance of developing strong links between regional, national and international communities, through visits, assemblies, concerts and special events. 

Some of our most recent community links include:

  • Life's a beach local charity - assembly, Y2 workshops and Eco Ambassador litter picking.
  • Gloucester four gates history/ art project 
  • Forest Green Rovers assembly on sustainability
  • Gloucester Feed the Hungry assembly and food bank collection
  • Gloucester Rotary Club 
  • Seven Trent Water
  • Wycliffe College - STEM workshops
  • GE Aviation - Y6 STEM day
  • Visitors from a range of religious faiths 

Family Welfare Officer

Our Family Welfare Officer regularly arranges courses for parents, either running them herself or linking with local organisations including Community Family Care, The Redwelll Centre, Acorn House, and Info Buzz.

We also use the Adult Education Local Authority Service to provide parents with courses such as First Aid, supporting the development of reading skills, Calm Kids and basic Maths skills.

Previous courses include well-being sessions, parenting workshops, nurture workshop for families, and Christmas crafts.

Our Family Welfare Officer also works very closely with local charities to support some of our parents including food and clothes hampers, school uniform and even providing families with washing machines.


Community Links Gallery


Art exhibition - Abbeydale Community Centre 

Charity Work

 Harvest Festival

In the Autumn Term, we celebrated Harvest with a traditional Harvest Festival. We came together as a whole school to share stories of what harvest is and what it means to so many people. Our theme this year was 'harvest through the years' where we went right back to the Saxon times! We also got to watch some awesome videos of real-life farmers doing their everyday jobs to see what it's really like for them. The children were fascinated and keen to learn more!

Thank you to our lovely families of Abbeymead who donated gifts of food items which we then donated to our local foodbank. Look at our harvest donations!



The Great North Run - Miss Workman and Mrs Clarke have completed the Great North run and raised an incredible amount of money for The Bone Cancer Research Trust.  Well done, we are very proud!


National Star College - Can Do Campaign


On the 14th January the school had a dress down day to support The National Star College 'Can Do' campaign. Our aim was to raise as much money as possible to help children at the college achieve the impossible, whilst also inspiring our own children to dream big and believe in themselves, even at the most challenging times. Amazingly, we raised £430. 

To find out how you can support the campaign you can find further details here