Curriculum Documents
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), is how the Government and early years professionals describe the time in your child’s life between birth and age 5.
This is a very important stage as it helps your child get ready for school as well as preparing them for their future learning and successes. From when your child is born up until the age of 5, their early years experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure; and support their development, care and learning needs.
Nurseries, pre-schools, reception classes and childminders registered to deliver the EYFS must follow a legal document called the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
The EYFS Statutory Framework can be found in full below:
Our Early Years Curriculum and the linked Skills progression documents have been redeveloped to complement the Early Years Framework of September 2021.
We have looked carefully at how we can build a curriculum that encourages a love of learning, that gives us room each year to reflect the children's interests, backgrounds and own lives and also enables the children to progressively develop the key skills and knowledge that they will need as they compete their reception year and move into year 1 and beyond.
Ready for Life Curriculum Planners
These RfL Planners are continually being updated as the result of ongoing curriculum development. Please refer to the school for the most up-to-date information in relation to any year group.
Autumn Term RFL Planners
Autumn 2 - Festivals and Celebrations
Spring Term RFL Planners
Summer Term RFL Planners