Extra Curricular Clubs


We offer a variety of clubs before, during and after school and we ensure these meet the interests of all of children. Letters are usually sent out at the start/end of term advising the details of each club.

Examples of clubs we run include: roller-skating, art, music, Horrible Histories, choir, chess, mountain biking, board games, reading, homework and a whole host of others. 


Sporting Club Provision

We work hard to a comprehensive programme of sporting after school clubs, with the following aims:

  • To provide extra-curricular sports clubs to all year groups
  • To provide a broad range of sports clubs to all children
  • To increase the number of children taking part in sports clubs
  • To use highly qualified external providers to run more specialist clubs such as cycling, dance, gymnastics
  • Increased participation in competitive sports

With the above in mind, three different groups of people lead our sports clubs. Mr Butler, our Sports Development Coach, school staff (teachers, TAs and students) and also external providers such as With the Ball, All Stars Cricket and Follow my Lead, all of whom provide paid extra curricular sports clubs to many schools in the local area.

An example of a termly sport's club timetable is shown below


Global Champions making greetings cards for the local care home. Pure kindness at work!


Have a look at the random acts of kindness that we're doing every day through December!
The children can tick off some of their RfL activities in the purple 'giving' section by completing some of these.


Miss Shaw and Mrs Otter have been led by the children's thoughts and ideas on what difference they would like to make - we think they have done a wonderful job so far and we're looking forward to seeing what will be next!